Happy Howlidays from Nebo, Keva, Skya, Killer and their humans too! Mom wasn't sure if she'd have time to post this on Christmas so you get it early. ;) Hope everyone has a great Christmas, with lots of snow! Mom deserves coal in her stocking for this..
This post is a little misleading because we don't actually have snow right now :( except in the mountains, our yard snow has melted now its just a mud puddle yard. But we loved the snow while it lasted, here it is! Dorky Nebo Handsome Nebo Tug time! Kick the ball for me! Play time!
Group shot, Killer did not want his butt in the cold snow, nope, not happening Pretty Keva If I just close my eyes and concentrate, maybe we will get more snow... I don't understand why the huskies think the snow is so great, I'm praying for summer
I wanted to dedicate this post to our good friend, "Phred." I've been on a forum, Pet Talk, for years; its grown to be more of a family than a just a forum. Nebo and I (the rest of the pups weren't around yet) went to Ohio a couple of times to Pet Talk meetings and met some great people. One of those people was Phred. You couldn't find a nicer, more generous guy if you tried. He'd do anything for any pet lover. He helped us more times than I can remember, and I could always count on him to put a smile on my face. I know he's being mobbed by all our beloved pets at the RB right now, and I'm sure he has a pocket full of cookies to share. Miss you Phred. Nebo making sure he got his cookie too
Woo everyone, mom has been reading a new book from National Geographic - Dog Tips from Dogtown. If you don't know, Dogtown is in the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah. Mom volunteered there once, its a great place. This new book is a relationship manual for you and your dog. If you are looking to adopt a new family member it gives great advice to picking the pup that is right for you. If you already have a dog also gives great advice to working with your dog from simple manners to dealing with behavioral issues. Who better to get dog advice from than those who have worked with thousands of rescued dogs from all backgrounds and breeds? They know their stuff, check it out anywhere books are sold. :)
Since its now November I guess we need to get our autumn photos up! We have some photos from a september hike, but first, this is our husky pumpkin! Mom carves one every year, she's a nerd.
Hey everyone, its my Birthday! Well, actually it was yesterday, mom didn't get a chance to post then, but I'll forgive her....maybe...perhaps I will eat something of hers, that ought to even it out. I'm four years old and still as beautiful as ever! And since mom was a super slacker with the blog this year, Happy Birthday to Nebo in May, he turned 8, Happy Birthday to Skya in june, she turned 2, and Happy Birthday to Killer in july, he turned 5.
Woo everyone here are some pics from a couple of camping trips this summer! We huskies are jealous that Killer gets to be off leash chasing birds. Mom doesn't trust us off leash, I don't know why, something about us being huskies and chasing Keva down canyons a couple of times... Pfft that's what we think of that He got to swim in the creek too. Okay, we swam in it too, just with leashes which isn't as cool. We went climbing..err..hiking too Found us a nice abandoned trailer. Couldn't convince the humans to drag it home though Say what? Nebo with his light summer coat One pic from a random hike And more from another camping trip