We certainly don't think so! Mom seems to think since its almost April our yard shouldn't look like this. What could she possibly think is wrong with a yard full of SNOW?
Wooo bloggers, its me, Skya. Did I tell you about my friend Diesel? Isn't he handsome? He doesn't get along with Nebo and Keva but he loves me! So I get Diesel all to myself! Psst...I have a secret...I have a crush on you Diesel
We're not sure who St. Patrick is or why we should be happy (we're not, she made us sit here and wear bandanas) but here are our pictures At least we didn't get pinched?
Mom says I don't have husky selective hearing because I actually come when called! We love to fetch too! And wrestle And chew sticks Today was a good day!
The snow in our yard melted so mom took us out to find more! Woo we love snow! First we went to Bridal Veil Falls We are happy huskies! On to our next adventure... Here we are at one of our favorite summer hiking spots! It looks a little different covered in snow! Look at all the places to explore! Time to run! Look mom, we climbed a snow drift! She didn't climb it too, she cheated and took this picture zoomed in We climbed another one too, we love climbing snow drifts