Woo woo to all of you! We hope you had a great Christmas! Here are some pics from ours!
I LOVE opening presents. I left them alone until Christmas morning, when that time came it was shredding time! It doesn't matter what name it says on the package, if its under the tree then it must be for me!

Of course the other two helped (I did a fine job by myself though)

I picked out a squeaky candy cane as my favorite toy. As you will see with our Christmas loot photo, there was no lack of toys. Since it was my favorite, that sneaky Keva wanted it too. Mom captured photos of her stealing it from me.
Here she is pretending to not be interested

While I wasn't looking she took the opportunity to "sniff" it

Thief! I used my saddest face so mom would steal it back for me

She used her cute face to get brownie points

After we were done shredding wrapping paper, we had to roll around in it to make sure we made a big enough mess

Mom said this photo should be titled "Why you should not teach your dogs to unwrap gifts" I don't know why she'd say something like that

Here we are with our cookies. Mine is the best!

Mom said Keva earned this by taking off and making mom chase her in the snow. Keva was happy to earn it, she's plotting what to do next to earn a huge cookie.

Our Christmas loot!

Our favorite present.....lots and lots of SNOW! We also received a sled to pull, pics will come soon!

Happy Howlidays to all of you!