Wait Nebo, you have something in your teeth

Ok you can ham it up now

I'm the cutest Howl-O-Ween Husky!

Ok, I was the cutest Howl-O-Ween Husky...mom this is not cute, seriously

Not much better

Yeah go ahead and tilt your head and look cute, you didn't have a pumpkin on your head

We also went to some costume contests. I was a prisoner (mom said it was awfully appropriate after I chewed up the remote and her PS2 controller...I just think I look good in stripes), Nebo was a police officer (he's the obedient one, well as obedient as a husky gets), and Skya was a skeleton (because she has no guts...get it? It was easier to find than a chicken suit). Nebo and I took second place!

Here we are with our friends Cisco the cowboy and Freyja the clown

In case you missed Skya in that photo, she's visible in this one

Here is the pumpkin mom carved! Can you guess where she found her pumpkin carving inspiration?

The middle one is Nebo, and the front husky with the extra floofy tail is me, Keva

Skya on the heals of Nebo

Here we are with our pumpkin. Syd the schnauzer joined in for the photo, but mom didn't feel like trying to carve a schnauzer on the pumpkin too, sorry Syd.

We hope everyone has a great Hoooooowl-O-Ween! Love, the huskies and Syd