Wait Nebo, you have something in your teeth

Ok you can ham it up now

I'm the cutest Howl-O-Ween Husky!

Ok, I was the cutest Howl-O-Ween Husky...mom this is not cute, seriously

Not much better

Yeah go ahead and tilt your head and look cute, you didn't have a pumpkin on your head

We also went to some costume contests. I was a prisoner (mom said it was awfully appropriate after I chewed up the remote and her PS2 controller...I just think I look good in stripes), Nebo was a police officer (he's the obedient one, well as obedient as a husky gets), and Skya was a skeleton (because she has no guts...get it? It was easier to find than a chicken suit). Nebo and I took second place!

Here we are with our friends Cisco the cowboy and Freyja the clown

In case you missed Skya in that photo, she's visible in this one

Here is the pumpkin mom carved! Can you guess where she found her pumpkin carving inspiration?

The middle one is Nebo, and the front husky with the extra floofy tail is me, Keva

Skya on the heals of Nebo

Here we are with our pumpkin. Syd the schnauzer joined in for the photo, but mom didn't feel like trying to carve a schnauzer on the pumpkin too, sorry Syd.

We hope everyone has a great Hoooooowl-O-Ween! Love, the huskies and Syd
And a Yappy Howloween to all of woo too! Woo guys all look great in your costumes! (It's the one time a year that it is not totally humiliating for a husky to be dressed up in clothes). Your mama's pumpkin is AWESOME!
spooky woos & booos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Happy Halloween !
Lovely pictures you have !
Husky are consider my sissy favorite ! As Alaskan is her no 1 , & golden then husky & schnauzers ! You guys are lovely (:
Lots of Love ,
3 Musketeers
Happy Howl-leen to you all! The pics look so professional. You all smile so well for the camera. You could submit your photo for the smiling page in the Bark magazine (smiling centerfold of all dogs).
Love the costumes. I couldn't fit in any of the doggie ones so I am in a human one. I'll get my human to post some pics soon.
Did someone say CHEESE AND HAM????
Happy HOWLoween to all of woo!!!
Great pikhs, grrrrrreat khostumes, and what a KHOOL pumpkin kharving!!!
happy Hoooooowl-O-Weeeen! Wow! Nice cravings. Your Mom is gooood...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Nice pics! Love the pumpkin!!
As usual, your pictures are great! The pumpkin is very clever too. Hope you have fun trick-or-treating tonight!
Happy Howl-oween indeed to the huskies. I see Nebo has another dentist in the family! :)
Great pictures! You all look very lovely. Also, your costumes are really good. Are you going to go out in the neighborhood today to get treats?
PS. Great pumpkin!
Huskies by Punkin Light, huh?
Mom did a NICE job choppin on that Punkin!!
And You Three looked pretty Kool in your Koshtumes! I'd given ya FIRST Place, though!
Don't pig out on too much candy!
Nice pictures and awesome pumpkin. You are too creative!
I swear you have the CUTEST pack in the world! They have manners! Well...husky manners are different than other manners...but I can't get my babies to sit still for a picture! Your photos are very professional and should be on the cover of a magazine!
Oh what great pictures! I think I like the second one best! Ha roo roo roo!
And your mom is a very talented punkin-carver!
Hello There! Just strolled upon your blog...wanted to say what beautiful/handsome Huskies you are! We enjoyed all your great Halloween pictures!
Have a fun day!
Joan & Skippy
Wonderful pictures!!!
I just love the one with the pumpkin in his mouth! You just can't plan for a picture like that.
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