Nebo was not amused by the leaf

I wasn't either

Okay, I pretended to enjoy it a little, there were cookies involved

After the leaf photo attempts, we went to a lake. She put us on this rock and somehow thought we'd look at the camera.

Sorry we thought the camera was over there...

Hmmm this pic looks familiar...

Pictures over? Okay, time to smell like wet dog!

Look closely at this picture...

See it? Yeah, it's a sheep turd...personally I prefer the cow pies, but sheep turds aren't half bad either. Mom didn't notice while taking the picture, just later when looking at them on the computer. She thinks we're gross. I'll make sure to lick her in face when she has forgotten about my love of poo eating.

Grass Eating 101

He's pretty handsome for a red head

Your pictures are amazing!!
I can just tell that they love the camera. Those leaf pictures were so great. I loved the one where it was being eaten!
You are a wonderful photographer!
Your so lucky to have a mom that likes the outdoors! Mine prefers air conditioning and a remote control. Although, room service is usually nice.
Great photos.
Mya Boo Boo
Painter Pack
Those were beaWOOOOOtiful!!
Just like all of woo!!!
Thanks MUCH fur sharing...
What fabulous pictures! Mom says it makes her want to try harder to take better pictures of us. Yeah right - like we'll cooperate! She can always dream.
You capture some pretty amazing pictures. Each one was so unique and you could see the personality of each of your pups in many of the pics.
Love it!
Those are GORGEOUS pictures! And great job not looking at the camera on some of them! Ha roooo!
You do look cute with the leaf...! I hope there were LOTS of cookies involved!
Tail wags,
Your mom takes the best pictures! Our bipeds seem to be quite amused by the leaf-on-your-head shots, even if woo aren't. Woo are as handsome as ever, dear Bebo Boy! Skya looks so cute & little sitting between woo two. Woo take such god care of her!
wos & a-rooos and snuggles,
Star & Jack a-roo
WOW!!! You all look amazing! The pics are phenominal!!! You are one gorgeous pack! Little Skya is sooo adorable!
Looks like a fabulously fun time!
Hi guys! Nice to meet cha & welcome to Dogs With Blogs! Dang! Those are some really pawsome pictures. Your hooman really has good camera skills & a good camera too. Sweet!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Nice pics!!!
Wow! My mom is in AWE of your pictures! You three are so cooperative and photogenic! What kind of camera does your human use? The pictures are so clear and perfect!
You guys have such great pictures! I think the picture when the leave is in your mouth is very funny. I haven't had sheep turd, but kitty litter is very tasty.
Wow, what beautiful pictures! You are a wonderful photographer! I agree with Addie, the leaf being eaten was cute!
Anna Marie and Rusty
Thanks everyone! :) The camera I used for those photos was a Canon Rebel XTi.
Hi Nebo, Keva and Skya!
I saw your blog on DWB, so I thought I'd drop by to say hello! Looks like you all really enjoyed your camping trip, except for the pictures with the leaf part. Skya must have been very excited, a first camping trip is the best!
I hope you're all having a grrrrEAT day!
Your trip looks fun ! & gorgeous pictures you have (:
Nice to meet you !
Hope to be great pals with you (:
You're so cute !
Come by to our blog alright (:
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
It’s almost Halloween!
Thank you very much for submitting your wonderful photo!
I will be drawing 3 winners LIVE on my Addie Cam located on my blog on Saturday, November 1st at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time. I hope you can make it, but if you can’t I will be recording the drawing and posting it on my blog along with the winners names.
Have fun Trick-or-Treating!
Beautiful dogs! Wow, they are just amazing!
I must say…. You have got amazing pets.
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